My mother Malinda, I am thankful for the life you gave me, the memories I still have, and I know I got your sense of stubborness-or so I've been told. I'm grateful for the time that we did have and will cherish that always.
My mother Phyllis. I have been fortunate in this lifetime to have two mothers. When you met me, I was a complete tomboy and my idea of dressing up was a "clean" t-shirt and running shorts. Thank goodness you met me before I went into junior high like that! Thank you for everything you've done for me, and taught me, and your never-ending support. It means the world to be able to share my plans for the future with you, and know that you are there behind me. You taught me how to push in life, and how to accomplish my goals, and that if you truly want something, then it can be yours if you work for it.
My Grandmothers, Naomi (Grandma), Nancy (Granni) and Estelle (Meme). I have learned so much from all of you, and have been so blessed to have all of you to guide me through wonderful times and trying ones too. Grandma, you've taught me the power of prayer and believing, Granni you've taught me that a woman can do anything she wants and look good doing it, and been an example of strength in my life, and Meme you've shown me how to have grace, style, and compassion through your life. When you have women in your life that have lived 90 years, that is a source of wisdom that no book can ever capture.
And one of my newest family members, my mother in law Mary. Thank you for welcoming me into your family and trusting me to take care of your baby! You've opened your arms and your home to me as if I were your own daughter, and I look forward to many more memories!
So here's a blessing to all the influential women in my life, "May the roads rise to meet you, May the winds always be at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face. The rains fall soft upon your fields, And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
I love y'all!!!!!!!!!!
Hmm... my comment hasn't appeared yet, so I'll try it again. I'll see if I can capture the correct tone.
Ahem... and who kept you out of trouble in high school?
Just kidding! Happy Mother's Day from your cat!
Andy told Lou about the gamecube. That is absolutely amazing. You guys rock. We need to get together and Wii!
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