So as y'all can see, that big purple front is right on top of us, and it has dumped a foot of snow and still going strong. Winds are high, 35+ so snow is swirling and blowing all over the place, and there are huge snowbanks in some areas, such as fences or against homes and bridges. Very dangerous out there, Colorado has been declared a state of emergency. We heard it forecasted yesterday, so we stocked up on warm foods, have stuff to make chili, enchiladas, spicy shrimp, BBQ sandwiches, we got alot of food. I think I am going to make Andy and Applesauce Spice cake tonight, since we don't have to worry about getting up early or anything.
On another note, we are both done with the inspection, we both did good, and we done with our class. Made an A- so we are very happy with that. Taking 2 next semester, b/c there are no inspections in the Spring, so that will be the best time to do it.
Christmas cards are in the mail, so be looking! Also, when weather permits and we can get out, we are going to get wedding pictures together and on the way. So be expecting those soon for your holiday gifts! They look great, and I know y'all are gonna love them! Mom & Dad, Mary & Monroe, Grandma & Granni we are making photo albums for you, and will send those as soon as they are ready!
Other than that, we are both good. Both healthy, neither one of us got really sick from all the stress. Andy did get a cold, but was able to shake it. We both started taking Air Borne, it really really works. I strongly recommend that to anyone, especially around the holidays when you'll be meeting w/everyone and someone will probably be sick. Awesome stuff!
Our love to all and I will update again soon!!!!!!!!!!
Snow!!!! I'm jealous...even if there is an annoying amount. I'm really glad you are stuck together. :)
I came down with something & have been doing AirBorne all day to try and get rid of it or keep it from getting worse. It's the first time I've tried it...it seems to be helping. My friend Beth swears by it, so I decided I'd better try it.
We used it and it really worked. I went out on alert 5 times in December with people who were sick and I came out fine. Give it a little bit I promise it will work! Good luck feel better soon!
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