Well it's that time of year where your doorbell rings and on the other side, there we are hoping that you'll give us some candy even though we are 27. Haha, all jokes aside, Halloween is such a fun time of the year. We are starting off by carving some pumpkins tonight with friends. Friday we have a Halloween party at LtCol Stanley's house, then Saturday is perhaps THE BIGGEST PARTY OF THE YEAR at Jake and Maria Pairsh's home. They have completely decked out the basement, covered all of the walls with black trash bags, have rented a fog machine, and a speaker system, so it is going to be one awesome "Monster Mash!" I will definitely post pics from that! Last year was lots of fun!!!

1 comment:
You are so funny, Kristi. This is my first laugh of the day. I can't wait to the see the costume pics! I'm going to a Halloween party this weekend...probably not dressing up...unless I can find the M&M costume I made for Hannah one year. That would be cool. Maybe? It might be more fun to be a pumpkin, however. Hmmm...we'll see. Love you two!
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