Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Update on us

Ok, sorry it has taken so long to start posting stuff on here, and it probably won't be too frequent, but alas I shall try!
Work has been really busy, we had our annual code change in the end of April and I had to stay in the field for a week! Arghand I thought going out for 24hours was bad! I shall never complain about going on alert again! But that is done so it is starting to settle down.
Wedding planning is going pretty well. I have my dress, I am waiting on it to get here today, yippee! It is champagne with bronze and gold ribbons on it, just gorgeous. Got the cake done last week, we have our cantor--thanks Hannah! The cake is going to be fabulous it is a CHOCOLATE and I do mean ALL chocolate cake--yum! Since everything is going to be small and very personal we are doing what we really want to do instead of doing things, "because that is what everyone else has done". Honeymoon is going to be in Puerto Vallarta, MX. Pacific side should be safer as far as hurricanes go, which is a concern for us b/c we are going in prime hurricane season.
Still looking at flowers, may do silk bouquets and actual flowers for the centerpieces, not 100% sure yet on that. Check out where the reception is going to be at
When I get more stuff to write, I will!

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