Okay, back around Thanksgiving does anyone remember seeing previews for the Stephen King movie, The Mist? Oh, I guess everyone skipped that one. Well we should have too, but a group of us went to see it and it was really just awful. But today outside in Cheyenne it looks like a scene from the movie! It is not foggy it is a mist. You can't see more than 4 feet in front of you. It's really strange b/c its never foggy like this here. Creepy....
On another note, Dad I know I promised you a picture of my new short hair, but I cannot find my USB cable to download the pictures from my digital camera. So as soon as I do, it'll be up! Or I may just have to bit the bullet and go get another cable, as it's not looking too promising here.
We're not up to much, we are still moving at the end of June and it's strange but it really doesn't feel like it yet. I don't have "the panic" as so many people seem to get here before they move. Pack up your entire house, move & cancel all your utilities, get meds to sedate Oscar on the car drive, how bad can it be? I'll let you know the answer to those questions in the upcoming weeks!