The blog was begging for an update and taking a cue from our niece, Hannah, I knew exactly what I wanted to post.
I found this picture today, and thought it was very fitting for Andrew's mother Mary as she was MILES away from ordinary in such a fabulous way. I was so very blessed and fortunate to have known Mary if only for a few short years. It's very funny how we met, because it almost didn't happen. Andy and I had been dating for awhile in California, and he said "My parents are coming into town this weekend, let's get together for dinner one night" I said sure, but as Saturday got closer I became more terrified. What if they don't like me, what if this, what if that? I talked to Andy the night before and he was telling me what a good time he'd had with his Mom and her friend Sharon last night. They'd bought purple feather boas, and Mardi Gras necklaces and just had a GREAT time with their Coronas last night. I thought, Well I definitely can't go now, this woman sounds too crazy for me!!! SO I cancelled on Andy, let me re-phrase that. I tried to. I told him I had a headache, my stomach hurt, blah blah blah and he said Oh, ok---well get dressed b/c I'm gonna be there in 5 minutes then hung up on me! DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am now flying around my 700sq/ft apartment and clothes are flying everywhere as I am trying to figure out WTF am I going to wear!?! Finally settled on something just as the doorbell rang.
We went to Hamasota's our favorite Japanese place. And I'm so glad Andy didn't let me cancel. We had such a great time, laughing and by the end of the night, I truly felt as if I'd known Mary for years! When they dropped me off, she asked what I was doing tomorrow night. I joked and said, Well you kinda have my date, so probably nothing. She said "GOOD---then come to dinner with us tomorrow. Andy turned around from the front seat and just raised his eyebrows at her and smiled. She laughed and said "Oh I forgot---that's fine with you right Andrew?" Hahaha, how can you say no to that!
I moved to WY in Dec '03, by myself b/c Andy was a class behind mine and didn't move until March. Mary sent me a book, and I mailed back a thank-you card. We'd written letters ever since. The first few I got I laughed so hard at the randomness. One said, "So tell me more! Do you like coffee? If so what do you like in it? What about tea? Iced or hot? Sweet? Lemon? Do you like Coke, or DrPepper?" I thought "What is this the Spanish Inquisition, haha!" I remember that St Patty's Day opening a letter and green shamrock confetti flying out of it when I opened it. After that, when holidays came around, I very cautiously began opening the letters over the trashcan, haha! But it was through letters like this, that we became very close friends and laid the beginnings to a wonderful friendship.
I met the rest of the Adams family in Sept 05 during The Great Road Trip of '05. We'd barely missed Katrina in New Orleans, as that had been one of our planned stops. The city was evacuated and we instead drove north to Memphis. Mary had a bottle of wine waiting and we stayed up late that night just a talking. Chris was there too, and told Andy--so she's actually real, then handed me a wineglass. HAHA! I liked her immediately!!!!
And just a little over a year later, we got together again, but this time for OUR wedding! She looked radiant that day, and so happy. I made photo albums for the parents and Grandma & Granni, and lo and behold if Mary didn't take that photo album EVERYWHERE with her and show it off, haha! When Andy and I were back in TN last week, we went to go see a family friend, and they said, Oh we recognize you from the pictures! Puzzled? What pictures? Oh, Mary brought in the WHOLE album and showed us, haha! She loved her family and her friends dearly.
So it is with great honor and privilege that I am able to call Mary more than just family---but a very dear friend. It is very fitting that she loved her some Corona as she truly was and forever will be 'Miles Away from Ordinary'