On one side of us we had the ocean, and on the other was the jungle. It rained almost every afternoon maybe a couple of hours, cleared up and was gorgeous the rest of the day.

And of course no trip to Mexico would be complete without tequila shots! Our waiters insisted we at least take one, they poured it into our mouths, and yelled ARRRIBA!!!! after we took them. Lots of fun!

And they even made us our own special dessert plate after I told them (en Espanol) that we were on our honeymoon! This dinner we actually ordered and did everything in Spanish which was pretty cool to me. I'd been brushing up on my Spanish for about 6 months before we went and let me tell you, a tall rubia Americana gringa speakin' Spanish is enough to stop the whole room. Andy and I were treated very well, better than other patrons of the resort just because we spoke some Spanish. If we couldn't finish the entire conversation, at least we'd start and end it in Spanish. It shows respect and you're treated better for it.