Well, I suppose it's far past time for a good update! As Dr. Keri has pointed out several times, if you are to have a blog---it needs to be updated! Point taken.
As everyone knows, I got pretty sick and was out for 2 weeks. We had a job interview with one of the Colonels a few weeks back--the day I went home from work actually b/c I felt so bad. I couldn't go home until I had done the interview, so I tried my best to get through it. At one point I had water just streaming down my face from my eyes and the Colonel asked if I was ok. I tried to ham it up and told him I was just so excited and flooded with emotion at the prospect of getting to go to Cali and teach the new students, that I just couldn't help myself. He laughed, so I thought, well at least that is a good sign.
We think Cali might be the next assignment for us, we're not sure and won't know 100% until next May or so. If we get Cali, we will be teaching the new officers that come in how to be missileers and how to do the job. The hours are good
as in not 70 a week, and we'll have weekends together which we have not had in 3 years. So it wouldn't be a bad job at all. But we'll have to wait and see.
School is rolling along, so far have a B in Accounting. 1 project and a final left, to finish that class. Then onto class #9 of 12, Planning and Scheduling.
As most of you know by now, Andy and I have been in Tennessee for the past few days. We found out Tuesday night that Andy's father, Monroe was diagnosed with cancer. He had a lump removed in his neck, and tests came back showing that it was malignant. He is scheduled to have his thyroid gland removed on April 17th, and also to run some more tests to see if it has spread. If it has not spread, it is pretty treatable and recovery will be very good. If it has spread then there are still several treatment options. So please, as y'all are reading this please keep us and Andy's family in your prayers.
So after we found out the news, we were able to get off work thankfully, to get to TN to spend some time with the family. I made Monroe's favorite cake for him, which was a coconut cake. Then for Sunday, Andy and I did the honors of making the majority of Easter dinner. I loved it, had the apron on and everything! Everyone helped out too and brought sides, Christine's Mac 'n Cheese was soooo good, and Fred & Denise's Deviled eggs and Pasta Salad were just phenomenal! I am gonna have to get Fred to share his secret recipe, b/c I just love deviled eggs. Amy brought some fantastic chocolate pies, and we had delicious rolls w/honey butter (courtesy of Mrs Paula Deen) from Lucy. I tell ya we just had a feast by the time we got everything on the table. It was a really good menu, and just great to get so much of the family together for support and just catching up. I am so glad we were able to make it.
Andy and I realized how much we've missed the South. Even though it was chilly, the smell and feel of humidity was great. Not to mention the wind did not howl at gale force and there were trees! And the Dogwood trees were just gorgeous! They are or maybe were? in bloom now? It got real cold and by Sunday some of the blossoms had started to wilt, so I hope they made it. But Christine drove us around Knoxville, and there are Dogwood trails that you can drive and just see tons of trees in bloom. They are white and pink, and some are hybrids and have white petals with pink centers. But they were just so pretty. I realized how much I cannot wait to not have to move every few years and struggle day in and day out trying to do a job that I'm not real thrilled with just to get a paycheck. So every night, we continue to make plans for world domination, haha! We'll let y'all know when that's successful. It will be so wonderful to move, and just be able to set the trash can out for pick up, and not watch it levitate 3 feet off the ground then fly like the Wizard of Oz on its way to Kansas.
So everyone please, keep us all in your prayers. Work is getting harder by the minute, and most of y'all whom I've confided in know exactly what I am referring to. Dr. Keri, I owe you an email to explain the rest of that story. Hope everyone is well, and had a good Easter, and I will post again soon! Love y'all!