Well, I am taking a break from the mountain of laundry that I am doing after unpacking my suitcase from the honeymoon. I am really irritated that when I got my luggage back, one suitcase had a cut in it on the back, and the other little one was missing a wheel! So it has been dubbed the wheel-less wonder.
But I was thinking back on everything and thought I would share my thoughts while all of you are waiting on more pictures....
A couple of days before the wedding: A huge pile of clothes on the bed while I am trying to figure out what I really want to take for the honeymoon. Wow! Is it really here? Has the year really gone by this fast and I am about to marry my best friend in just a couple of days? I am so glad that all of the planning has made this year go by quickly, and jeez I can't wait to move away from Cheyenne! I think of all my friends that have supported me while I have been doing all of my planning, and remember the jerk-offs at work that have criticized me for taking some personal time for myself. But then I also remember and smile that they are not coming to the wedding and they aren't going to Mexico either. I feel better now.
Trying on the wedding dress again before the big day: Man I am so glad that I have been working out! The dress looks fabulous and I really can't wait to wear it! (This is before it has been fully laced up!) I am very happy with my body and the way I look, I am so glad that I have stayed on top of everything and continued my workouts even though I really didn't want to. And I did tan a month before, even though I knew Keri wouldn't like it. I have gotten pretty light here, there really is no ambient sunlight here and I MISS my TEXAS tan so much! I look so pasty and white for most of the year, that when we do plan a vacation anywhere we usually tan for a month so we won't roast on the trip.
More thoughts....I am really starting to wonder if I am going to have time to visit with everyone! I still haven't managed to finish packing b/c I have been cleaning house! Andy and I have both been so busy that it is really a task to keep our house picked up. I start to develop a basic itinerary to fit everything in, to visit with everyone as much as possible between finishing the last minute details. Oh I just hope everything turns out ok!
Family is here! Everyone started rolling in, and I was really glad that everyone made it in safe. Was a little scared that Andy's family wasn't gonna make it, their flight was delayed and I was wondering if it was going to be too late for the dinner. But they did make it! Got to visit with everyone here at our house for a little bit and show them everything. I hope the massive amount of winemaking junk and the still in the basement doesn't offend anyone! But I can't hide it so it stays. Jeez, Grandma I promise I am not really an alcoholic, I know this doesn't help my case at all! So glad that the families are getting along great! The Dads like each other and the Moms too, oh this is great! You know that;s one thing you always wonder about, I hope the like each other, what if they don't.... but it worked out great!
Night before...Well the girls stayed at Melissa's place and it was nice to be alone and just be quiet and rest for a little bit. I didn't have to think about anything just rest. But I did reflect back on everything that had brought me to this point. I am so happy and still just wondering is this real, is it a dream am I about to wake up? I met Andy when I thought I could never love again and my heart had been crushed. I had started completely over in a new state, and I had no furniture, not even a bed! I went to Walmart when I got to California and bought a $50 hammock and slept in that for 3 months b/c I had no money, and I was too proud to ask my family for help. I needed to recover and do it all on my own. It made me stronger than I ever thought possible. And in the midst of everything I met the most wonderful person in my life. Someone to make me laugh and we make each other laugh so much! I am so happy we have the exact same sense of humor. It is so wonderful to have someone there beside me no matter what, to push me and help me when I think there is no way out and everything is too dark and I cannot see any light. Someone to just hold me and let me cry if I need to. Andy is the love of my life!!!! And tomorrow we are about to be married, I am going to be his wife! I feel honored to have such an awesome husband!
Wedding day!!!! I finally managed to get some sleep but I still feel pretty tired when I wake up. The alarm went off, but I turned it off, so thank goodness Keri came to see if I was up and let me snooze while she was in the shower. Got my makeup all done, it is perfect, and got out hair fixed and we all just look fabulous! Off to the church, now and time to put on my dress! But oh my gosh! I had no idea it was going to be quite that tight all laced up, I really felt like Rose from Titanic! Lace it up! Ok so it is on and we are ready! I can't wait for everyone to see it! Walk down the aisle with Daddy, oh my gosh he just looks so handsome, I am so happy he is here to walk me! Everyone looks fantastic and I can't stop smiling! The ceremony is going by so fast. At one point I almost missed the chair when I sat back down, did anyone see that???! Then the dress is really getting tight, I can't exhale enough to get more air and I really think I am going to pass out in the chair. I was so dizzy, and started seeing sparkles. I keep taking shorted breaths and the feeling finally passes! After pictures, we are off to the reception, and I really can't wait to chat with everyone. All the girls are just in awe of the dress, yes it really was a corset top! Several felt the boning in the sides. I gulp down some water, and am disappointed when I can't eat very much. But that's ok, it is one day, I can eat later. And I am so happy that my tummy can't pooch out in any picture hahaha!!!! So I am pretty happy and smiling to myself that I will probably like all the pictures. We had such a wonderful time at the reception it seemed so classic really like all of us were in a early 1900 movie set. It was such an awesome feeling! I have had such a wonderful time celebrating with everyone, my favorite part was the champagne! I loved that! I hope everyone has enjoyed everything as much as we did, everyone certainly seemed too. And more than a few guests came up to me and commented on how cool the venue was and that they really felt like they were in Titanic! That was a huge compliment to me! After everyone left, it was just me Andy and Eric. Eric played the piano for me, for a bit, gosh he is so good and played my favorite song, Clocks by Coldplay. It reminds me of Andy and when we first started dating and just really gives me chills every time because we have so many memories attached to that song. It was the last song I heard before coming to the church too, in the salon. I just sat there in the chair, and smiled. It was really cool to hear it.
So I have rambled on quite a bit and the clothes are still waiting so I will break. Keep checking back as I will continue to post more updates!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
A few wedding pics

Keri Brown, Eric Baird
Ok, I know its just a few pics, but this is all I have right now and these are from Eric Chin. I will publish more as I get them, have not gotten any pics from the photographer yet. Had a wonderful time, will update more soon!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
A few wedding pics

Maid of honor/best man Keri, us, Eric

Ceremony with Fr. Gary
OK, so we just got back, and we are trying to get everything back to normal, so here a just a few pics, i will post more as I get them. These are from our friend Eric Chin. Have not gotten any pics back from photographer.
We had a great time, I hope everyone enjoyed themselves, it was really just fabulous!
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